This article looks to discuss modelling and testing in Project Management. Discussing the methods and processes for modelling and testing, along with the roles that are involved in these processes. Linking back to the project management of modelling and testing.

Modeling and testing is the backbone of software development. This involves selecting the type of methodology that will satisfy the requirements based on business need, availability of resources, and the delivery timelines. It also depends on the size and the complexity of the project. Hence, selecting the most appropriate, or a combination of appropriate methodologies, is crucial to the success of the project and the stability of the software. So how will you know which is right for your team and the project? Let’s find out.
The Waterfall Method
First on the list is the Waterfall Method and one of the most popular methods used in software development. One of the biggest advantages of this model is its simplicity and how it’s extremely easy to follow. This is due to the fact that it follows a single progressive direction and where each phase in every stage is completed one at a time, and there are no overlapping phases or stages so to speak. However, it isn’t the fastest or the most flexible method there is. Because of its rigid structure, this method is ideal for mostly small projects where no changes are expected to occur at any point of the build. Once the requirements are set, the coding is set, and the testing is done as the very final step.
Ideal for small projects
Very easy to follow
Simple, uncomplicated structure
Rigid structure
Doesn’t allow any room for changes mid-way the project
Testing is done at the end
High risk in terms of finding out fault points only after the build is completed
The Verification and Validation Model
Because of the testing constraints of the Waterfall Method and its lack of flexibility, the V and V Model was developed. This is also known as the V-Mode. In this model, testing is performed at each development phase, thereby detecting errors and weak points earlier on, reducing the risk of vulnerability of the end product. This also means the product is built on a more stable environment, as the testing process identifies the areas for improvement and allows the developers and engineers to resolve any issue that the test reveals, giving them the precious opportunity of fixing any errors before it leads to bigger and more difficult issues to fix as early as possible. This means the team moves onto the next phase or onto the next stage as secure and as stable as the development can possibly be.
Ideal for small projects
Easy to follow
Reduces risks in the build through testing at each phase
Not exactly suitable for large projects
Still not as flexible or as agile for projects that expect changes mid-work
Strict structure is not ideal for complex projects
The Agile Model
Finally, a model designed for projects with requirements and outcomes that are more likely to change as the development progresses. This model uses an incremental approach, breaking down the work in stages, and each stage is further broken down into phases. This method makes way for iteration, which offers a more systematic approach for software development. One of the best things about this method is that the client is continuously involved throughout the project, so any changes, corrections, and updates can be immediately discussed and applied. But as good as this may be, it is also one of the disadvantages of this model.
In some cases, communication with the client may take time and that can set the work back while waiting for feedback. However, this leads to a more accurate build, as the input and feedback of the client is taken into account during the routine check-ins, which proves to be more beneficial than detrimental to the project. Teams must be careful though, and make sure that the requirements are always clear and understood by everyone in the same way, to avoid any mis-steps in the development process.
Works very well for large projects
Sustainable work load, good for long-term projects
Iteration cycle for every stage of the build reduces risks and errors as the work goes on
Allows room for changes that may occur at any point in the project
Keeps clients involved throughout the process
Encourages teamwork
Still not suitable for complex projects
Hand-offs can be quite challenging
May have to pause work until client feedback is received
The Spiral Model
This model values agility as much as it values risk analysis. This model has 4 phases that recycle at every increment of the project. It combines an iterative approach that is rooted from the Agile Model and a systematic approach which is rooted from the Waterfall Model. This model has enough room for flexibility but making sure that everything is done in the same constant order at every stage, or in this model it is referred to as a spiral.
Best approach for large, complex, and high-risk projects
Faster development, more secure due to continuous risk analysis
Offers plenty of room to accommodate changes in requirements mid-way
Suitable for medium to large complex projects but not for small complex projects, from a cost perspective
Successful risk analysis strongly relies on the expertise level of analysts
Complex management that requires high level of expertise
The Rapid Acceleration Development Model
This model is ideal for modularised development, and has become quite a popular model because of the agility and speed that it offers. This model takes advantage of automation technology, which makes modularisation, building, testing, and feedback much faster and even more accurate. Automation reduces human errors, which means the build is more secure and stable, doing away with flaws that can gravely affect the performance of a system or a program. The parallel development approach is the essential aspect of this model, which can yield a stable and fully tested product in a shorter amount of time. Testing is done on a unit and a system level, to ensure that each module works individually and when interfaced with other modules, as these become the parts of a whole entire system. The end product is also tested in a user environment, which allows developers to see how it works in a live environment. Modules can be re-used, and are autonomous but also coherent
Ideal for large projects that require various product functionalities
Promotes teamwork
Makes room for continuous learning
Iterations enable teams to refine and master their work
Modules are reusable, which saves time in coding
Uses automation from start to finish, including monitoring the work progress
Makes implementation and maintenance much more manageable
Only ideal for projects modularised projects
Not suitable for small projects as it is costly
The success of the project is mainly dependent on the expertise and skills of the team
The Importance of Selecting the Proper Model
After seeing what each of the models has to offer, including each of its advantages and disadvantages, it becomes clear why it is extremely important to choose the appropriate model based on the available resources, the size of the project, the complexity or the simplicity of the project, the timelines, and the business requirements. All of these factors determine the amount of time and space that the project allows for testing. This is a crucial part of project management, as product testing gives project mangers the confidence in the product that they are going to deliver to the client.
All of the models, whether it follows a rigid or a more agile structure, include testing in the process. It can be done at the end of the build, at critical points in the build, or at certain points in a phase, a stage, a spiral, or a module.

Testing reveals weak points and areas for improvement, which in turn allows teams to create a product that is completely secure and stable. The more testing phases a project goes through, the more refined and flawless the end product is. It also helps refine and perfect iterations, which then increases the speed at which the work can be completed.
Testing is a huge part of the work that results to high quality products that not only work exceptionally and exceedingly well, but is also one of the most essential, yet sometimes overlooked factor when it comes to delivering products that not only benefit the users, but the business as well.